The average cost of Tonsillectomy under insurance in Maryland is
But it should be less.
That's a pretty big difference.
That's a pretty big difference.
Sometimes prices, especially inpatient facility costs, are just higher.
Not only that,
the overall cost of Tonsillectomy can be higher because of .
Showing data for: Medicaid insurance provider, 2020/2021
For example, getting an infection in the hospital is a and can add as much as $20,000 to the cost of a single patient's care.
Hospitals are listed if they had a certain number of of care that took place within the specific timeframe and population studied. Read more...
events can also be used to produce a quality performance measure for each hospital. The rate is the share of a hospital's patient that included one or more complications. Readmission rate is also a measure of quality. Read more about potentially avoidable complications and readmission rates.
Showing data for: Medicaid insurance provider, 2020/2021
The Maryland Health Care Commission is providing this cost and quality information so that patients and providers are aware of how cost and quality differs among hospitals.
We know it's not always possible to shop for medical services based on price and quality. Still, its important to know differences exist so you can advocate for change. With this information everyone in Maryland can finally join the statewide conversation that's causing providers to reduce their costs and helping patients make high value choices.
Appeal to doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies to work together to make all costs public and provide the highest quality care at the lowest possible cost.