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Let’s Talk About the Cost of a Breast Biopsy

Breast cancer is a prevalent concern for women, with statistics indicating that approximately 1 in 8 cisgender women in the United States will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Early detection through procedures like a breast biopsy can significantly impact treatment outcomes. Understanding the medical aspect of a breast biopsy is crucial, although knowing the financial implications is just as important.

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Let’s Talk About the Cost of a Colonoscopy

Before a big procedure like a colonoscopy, patients will likely have many questions about what to expect during the colonoscopy and what the recovery period looks like. But, patients don’t always ask about the cost ahead of time.

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Let’s Talk About the Cost of Tonsillectomies

Before a big procedure like a tonsillectomy, patients will likely have many questions about what to expect during the surgery and what the recovery period looks like. But, patients don’t always ask about the cost ahead of time.

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Let’s Talk About the Cost of Coronary Angioplasty

Before a big procedure like a coronary angioplasty, patients will likely have many questions about what to expect during the surgery and what the recovery period looks like. But, patients don’t always ask about the cost ahead of time.

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C-Section and Vaginal Delivery: Preparing for Hospital Births and Related Costs

Before a big event like the birth of a baby, you will likely have a lot of questions. Don't forget to ask about the cost of giving birth ahead of time.

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Knee Replacement: Preparing for the Procedure and Costs

If you're considering a knee replacement, consider the costs too.Patient discusses knee replacement with doctor

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Health Care Cost Trends in Maryland: What we’ve learned from three years of claims data

With three years of data on four episodes of care, we can start seeing if there are any emerging trends in the health care costs across Maryland.

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Let's Talk About the Cost of Gall Bladder Surgery

If you are preparing for gall bladder surgery, don't forget to ask about costs ahead of time.

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Maryland Health Connection Can Help You Sign up for Health Insurance

Maryland Health Connection - Lowest rates in years

Do you have health insurance coverage for 2022? If not, look at your options and sign-up.

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Lumbar Spine Fusion: Preparing for the Procedure and Costs

Before a big procedure like a lumbar spine fusion, patients will have a lot of questions about what to expect during the surgery and what the recovery period looks like. But, are you also asking about costs?

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Why Does Wear The Cost Use Claims Data?

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Hysterectomy: Preparing for the Procedure and Costs

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Let’s Talk about Hip Replacements

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National Price Transparency Rule and What it means for Marylanders

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Sign The Appeal

Appeal to doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies to work together to make all costs public and provide the highest quality care at the lowest possible costs.

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Download a Custom Report

Use our database to create a customized report and choose hospitals in your area to compare costs.

Doctors and Providers:

Create custom reports to refer your patients.

Health Care Professionals:

Download data files for your research.

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Get Your Shirt

Contact MHCC to find out more about how we can help you build awareness in your program.

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Technical Details

This website displays health care costs for common episodes of care.

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Episodes of Care Definitions

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Cost Breakdown

Read more about the cost breakdowns of episodes.

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What is a Potentially Avoidable Complication?

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How Maryland Hospitals are Paid

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How to Find a Health Plan

Visit the Maryland Health Connection, the state’s health care marketplace, to enroll in a health plan.

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How to File a Complaint

Visit the MHCC’s Filing a Complaint page for more information on how to file a complaint or report an issue about a health care provider or health benefit plan.

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Other Resources

Visit the Maryland Health Care Commission for a list of state and national resources on topics such as health and wellness, health care costs, and quality.

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How to Find a Health Care Provider

Click on the links below to find the type of health care provider you need:

If you already have health insurance, call your health plan to find out whether a specific provider is covered by your insurance.

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How to Compare Quality

The Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC) has developed tools to help you compare the quality of health care providers and health insurance plans in Maryland.

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How to Talk to Your Doctor about Your Health Care Costs and Treatment Options

Having an open conversation with your doctor may help you save money. To start the conversation about the cost of your care, download a custom report from Then, click on the articles and other links below for some tips on how to talk to your doctor about health care costs and choosing a treatment plan that is right for you.

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Let's Reduce the Cost of Health Care in Maryland

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Here's another way to look at potentially avoidable complications

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Social Sharing

Spread the word about the high cost of health care in Maryland with your friends and family.


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Maryland Comparison

How does Maryland compare to other states?

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Health Care Costs are Too High

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